Filming Locations Naples TV & Film

Filming locations: The Love Scam (Mica è colpa mia), Netflix

Netflix movie The Love Scam (Mica è colpa mia is the Italian title), is set and filmed in the southern Italian city of Naples (Napoli). Directed by Umberto Carteni, the Italian-language film stars Antonio Folletto, Laura Adriani and Vincenzo … Read the rest

Events Filming Locations TV & Film Venice

Vampires, palaces and art shows

In this article I write about finding fabulous ‘secret’ palaces and sights in Venice to visit during the Biennale. Including a ‘vampire palace’ I explored for the first time this year. Although 2024’s Art Biennale is nearly over and some Read the rest

Filming Locations Puglia TV & Film

Jumping from High Places filming locations (Netflix)

One of the main attractions of the Netflix movie Jumping from High Places is its beautiful locations in the southern Italian region of Puglia. The film (Per Lanciarsi dalle Stelle in Italian) is the story of Sole, a … Read the rest